• serving-section-20-notices
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  • section-20-notices-building-works

Section 20 Notices

As a Freeholder if you are going to carry out major works on a block of flats that you own you must follow a specific procedure. It is very important you do so as failure to serve the correct notices and documentation can result in you being out of pocket. Leaseholders must be informed every step of the way and strict adherence to the regulations is a must. It is a consultation process and the leaseholders have certain rights.

Serving The Correct Notices


Two notices are normally served but it is possible that you may need to serve three notices. They are as follows: The pre-tender stage – notice of intention to do works. The tender stage – notification of landlord’s proposals (estimates) In some cases, notice of reasons for awarding the contract.

Once you have received the estimates you must make them available for inspection to the leaseholders. You must provide copies of estimates and relevant documentation. Any copying costs can be recovered through the service charges. Of course there is much more information on this subject. If you need help you can go to he leasehold Advisory Service who are a government body that have everything that you need to know about leasehold property