Tenancy Service Charges
Maintenance Charges And Service Charges
If you are a landlord that wishes to carry out major works on a block of flats and one of those flats is occupied by a protected tenancy you must notify the tenant formally by serving a section 20 notice on them. The tenant must be afforded the same rights as other lessees in the block and they have the right to inspect account, any relevant notices and estimates for works. It is also important to keep the rent office up to date with any works that are being carried out as you may be able to increase the rent at a later date.
Unreasonable Charges
As the landlord you will from time to time need to increase the service charge provided that this was part of the original tenancy. If the service charge is variable the tenant has the right to challenge it on the grounds that the cost of an item is unreasonable. They can also ask you for a summary of what you have spent on services and refuse to pay if it is unreasonable.